Portal 11 Art Prize 2020

The Portal 11 Art Prize 2020 is a contemporary art prize for Ukrainian artists established by the gallery Portal 11.
Theme of the Portal 11 Art Prize is the “A wonderful new world?” (environmental issues).
All artists from 20 up to 40 years old are invited to apply for the Prize.
Winners will receive a prize in the form of cash rewards and participation in gallery’s exhibition projects.

The prize is intended to draw attention to the creativity of young artists, to support their creative path and provide the opportunity to express themselves on the contemporary art-scene.
The gallery is looking for talents for further cooperation and realisation of future joint projects.

Theme of the Portal 11 Art Prize is
The theme of the award is “A wonderful new world?”.
Ecology is the primary topic of the world community. In March 2019, detailed assessment of the world’s environment was published. Researchers have warned that if the way of thinking will not change globally to environmental problems, the destructive damage that we caused to nature will lead us to the extinction of humanity.
Contemporary artists can’t stand aside and not respond to topics that concern the society. Nature has always inspired creators, and today artists are taking another step in developing the relationship between art and the environment. Artists declare the crisis of these relations and try to restore them.
Environmental theme of the Portal Art Prize 2020 “A wonderful new world?” aims to create a dialogue and find new ways to solve these pressing issues.

The prize
The main prize (1st place) is $ 1,500 and the work will be presented at the Luxembourg Art Fair 2021.
The work of the winner of the award (1st place) will remain in the gallery’s collection.
The jury also awards two special prizes to support talents. Special awards – 2nd place will be presented in Luxembourg Art Fair 2021, 3rd place will have a free exhibition in the gallery.

Calendar Portal 11 Art Prize 2020
July 08 – October 01, 2020 – Applications accepted.
October 03 – Shortlist of nominees Announcement for the prizes awards and approval them for participation in a collective exhibition.
November 13 – Opening exhibition of nominees Portal 11 Art Prize.
November 13 – December 13, 2020 – Exhibition of nominees Portal 11 Art Prize.
December 13, 2020 – Portal 11 Art Prize Award announcement.

Conditions of participation
1. Artists aged 20 to 40 can participate in the competition. One artist (group of artists) can submit no more than 3 different works, from which the jury will select 1 work for the award.
2. Series of works are not accepted for the competition.
3. Techniques that can be submitted to the Portal 11 Art Prize competition: oil, acrylic painting or mixed media, collage, sculpture, media art.
4. Requirements for the size of works: Painting – minimum size – 80 cm, maximum size of the side is 150 cm.Sculpture – maximum height – 150 cm, maximum width is 100 cm.
5. Files of works are accepted in the format jpeg, tiff, pdf, the size of the photo should not exceed 10 MB.
6. The theme of the award – “A wonderful new world?” (environmental issues).
7. Works that don’t fit the conditions of the competition are not accepted.
8. Participation in the Portal 11 Art Prize is free. But the artist independently organizes and pays for transportation (in both directions) of the work to the exhibition.

Rules of participation
Acceptance of applications
2.1. Participations can apply by the Internet through the Form on the Website of the gallery Portal 11 www.portal11.com.ua and on the Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/galleryportal11/ in period from July 08 to October 01, 2020.
2.2. The application will be accepted if the participant fits all the requirements of the Portal 11 Art Prize and will provide all the necessary information.
2.3. The candidate can clarify and supplement the information by 01.10.2020. Additional information can be sent by separate letter to e-mail artprizeportal11@gmail.com .
2.4. Additional information provided by the candidate after the deadline for submission of application will be rejected.
2.5. An application shall be accepted once the participant receives confirmation by email.
2.6. The participant must grant the Organizers reproduction rights over the artwork(s) submitted to create a catalogue, archive the images of submitted artworks and publicize the artworks on the Website and in any other form.

Terms of nominees announcement
3.1. Artworks of the nominees for the award of the Portal 11 Art Prize will be chosen by the jury on the basis of accepted applications of candidates.
3.2. Сandidates will be selected from the accepted applications, that will be nominated by the jury for the main and special prizes Portal 11 Art Prize.
3.3. The shortlist of nominees will be announced no later than October 03, 2020 at the Website https://portal11.com.ua/ , in social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and by e-mail.

Exhibition of nominees
4.1. Nominees will take part in the collective exhibition in gallery Portal 11 from November 13 to December 13, 2020. Winners of the main and special prizes will be announced at the end of the exhibition.
4.2. Nominees that were selected by the jury for the exhibition for Portal 11 Art Prize award must provide their works for the exhibition no later than 20.10. 2020.
4.3. The artwork of the nominee must be included in the application for the participation, and must not be replaced by another artwork.
4.4. The final selection of the artwork to be presented at the group exhibition is determined by the jury.
4.5. The Jury reserves the right to refuse the participant if the artwork chosen by the jury for awarding the prize does not correspond to the description in the candidate’s application and the terms of the competition.

Awarding a prize Portal 11 Art Prize
5.1. The main and special prizes of the Portal 11 Art Prize will be awarded on December 13, 2020.
5.2. The Jury reserves the right not to explain its choice of the winners of the prize.