Photo exhibition by Andrii Kotliarchuk «Invisible near»

Gallery «Portal 11» presents photo exhibition by Andrii Kotliarchuk «Invisible near». 03.08.2019 – 01.09.2019

Andrii Kotliarchuk works exclusively with a film of large formats. The series of his photos reflect the reactions and emotions from the environment, create a mosaic of the Universe and show alive frozen beauty of the nature.
Photos depict places of nature that are invisible, but near us. The author reveals these places to us.

Andrii Kotliarchuk born in1966 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
1986-1993 – he graduated Kyiv State Shevchenko University, Biology faculty.
2004-2006 – he graduated State Academy of the Cultural Management Resources, Art Criticism department.
Actively participates in Ukrainian and international art projects and festivals.

Gallery Portal11
11 Triokhsviatytelska str. Kyiv
+38 063 397 34 57
Open daily: 10.00 – 19.00
facebook: Portal 11