Gallery Portal 11 presents exhibition of paintings by 11 nominees of the Portal 11 Art Prize 2019

Portal 11 Art Prize 2019. 1.11.2019-17.11.2019

Theme of the Portal 11 Art Prize is the «Portal». Portal is uncovering something what was hidden away. Portal is a connection between material and non-material. Passing through the Portal we fall into an unknown area that hidden away behind the barrier. Entrance the Portal leads to bridging the barrier. This suggests that there is always something behind the barrier. The sense of the Portal is to bridging the barrier or transformation. The Portal is a transition phenomenon through space and time.

We have received over 120 applications. The works of 11 nominees were selected for the exhibition. The winners of the main and special prizes will be announced at the end of the exhibition.

Artworks of the 11 participators selected jury for the prizes awards will be published in a catalogue of the exhibition nominees Portal 11 Art Prize 2019.

The selected nominees for the Portal 11 Art Prize 2019:
1. Ahranovska Svitlana
2. Artamonov Ievgen
3. Gamalya Alina
4. Zazimko Dmytro
5. Manetsky Orest
6. Pronkina Olena
7. Rahimova Mariya
8. Rey Astian
9. Suhanova Victoriya
10. Uhreniuk Annabel
11. Chizhov Andrew

Gallery Portal 11
11 Triokhsviatytelska str., Kyiv
+38 063 397 34 57
Open daily: 10.00 – 19.00
facebook: Portal 11