Exhibition project by Annabel Uhreniuk «Urban Nightscape»

Gallery Portal 11 presents exhibition project by Annabel Uhreniuk «Urban Nightscape» 20.09. – 06.10.2019.

Annabel Uhreniuk born in 1996 in Berlin, Germany.
Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine.
2014 -2018 – she studied at the Boychuk Kyiv State Institute of Decorative-Applied Art and Design Faculty of Decorative-Applied Arts, Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting.

The project «Urban Nightscape» is an attempt to connect pieces of artist’s perception of this world into a single picture. Artist lives her whole life in a big city, where a certain landscape surrounds her. This landscape, which consists of houses, people, cars, poles, lamps, exhaust gases and other things, is a part of her everyday life. This picture is familiar to the eye; it is perceived as something native. We live in an era of technological progress, when urbanization swallows everything around and cities grow and develop each year. We live in this world and we cannot avoid it. It’s our second nature, a landscape that is close to us and sometimes even more familiar than flora and fauna. The silence around, without the sounds of cars and people may be alarming.
In this project Annabel Uhreniuk shows her perception without the prism of good and bad.

Imagining that someday our descendants will find the remains of our civilization and what they see will be exactly the city landscape. Lanterns turn into flowers, roofs of houses to the bark of trees, cars to the fauna of the city, asphalt reminds us the earth. This has its own beauty. This is what we will see from afar and immediately recognize. This is what gives us a sense of calm and security, a feeling that we are at home.

Gallery Portal11
11 Triokhsviatytelska str., Kyiv
+38 063 397 34 57
Open daily: 10.00 – 19.00
web: portal11.com.ua
e-mail: artportal11@gmail.com
facebook: Portal 11