Exhibition of paintings by Tetiana Voloshynova «Dance»

Exhibition of paintings by Tetiana Voloshynova «Dance».

29.03.2019 – 15.04.2019 gallery “Portal 11” presents the magic and tender works of Tetiana Voloshynova.
The author was born in 1973 in Kirovograd. She is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. As a stage designer Tetyana is engaged in the creation of costumes and scenery for performances. Work of the author are kept in private collections in Ukraine, Europe and the USA.
The “Dance” project explores the theme of a multitude of time dimensions, the organics and plasticity of the dance as primordial element, the theme of subjectivity and elusive emotions, the spontaneity and regularity of relationships, the theme of love and its absence. The works of this series are imbued with deep color of movement, powerful breath of primordial elements and musical light.

Address: Kyiv, 11 Triokhsviatytelska st.
daily 10.00-19.00
+38 (063) 397 34 57
facebook: galleryportal11