Exhibition of paintings by Olexandr Antoniuk “Imprint presence”

Gallery “Portal 11” presents exhibition of paintings by Olexandr Antoniuk «Imprint presence» 16.05.2019 – 02.06.2019.

The project “Imprint presence” is designed to explore nature – an eternal, permanent, unbridled element – that exists in its various manifestations as atmosphere, soil, water, plain, or geosynclinal, and is in an unceasing development, motion. Man-made sharply opposed to all this plasticity of the nature. Oleksandr Antoniuk superimposes artifacts in the form of buildings, abandoned industrial buildings or existing factories on vibrating nature surface. The artificiality of these objects brought by man is emphasized by stylization, technique of collage, scratching, overlaying of textures. The artist emphasizes that humanity actively trying to conquer the world by industrialization, unceasingly leaves signs of its activity, without noticing how their significance is leveled off by fast-moving times. The image of man as a part of plasticity of the nature opposes the image of the remains of modern architecture, which becomes an artifact of our present. That is, it’s like a visual answer to the question what a future person will see during archaeological excavations over thousands of years. The artist not so much document the images or landscapes that are permanently tagged with imprints of human activity, but he outlines the metaphysical side of the triumph of superhuman beyond certain time and space.

Alexander Antoniuk was born in 1994 in Dnipro, Ukraine.
In 2012 he graduated the Dnipropetrovsk artistic studies College, the workshop of Leonid Antoniuk, and in 2018 he graduated the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kyiv, the workshop of Vasyl Gurin.
Oleksandr Atoniuk takes an active part in all-Ukrainian exhibitions, festivals and international plein-airs (International plein air “Khortitsa through the ages”, International plein air in the Czech Republic “PlenerVenkow”).
2018 – All-Ukrainian Biennial of Ukrainian Historical Painting “Ukraine from Trypillya to the present”, Kyiv.
2019 – The first All-Ukrainian biennale of the levkas, the CCA “White World”, Kyiv.

Artist’s artworks are in Zaporizhzhya National Museum, Zaporizhzhya Pottery Museum, Kharkiv National Museum, Dnipropetrovsk Museum of Ukrainian Painting, in private collections in France, Poland, China, Czech Republic, Russia.

Address: Kyiv, 11 Triokhsviatytelska st.
daily 10.00-19.00
+38 (063) 397 34 57
facebook: galleryportal11