Exhibition of icon paintings by Roman Selivachov “Window and eye of eternity”

Gallery Portal 11 presents exhibition of icon paintings by Roman Selivachov “Window and eye of eternity”. 20.11.2019 – 15.12.2019.

Roman Selivachov – Ukrainian icon painter, author of a painting of many Ukrainian churches.Was born in 1976 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The artist’s works are kept in private collections in the USA, Canada, France, Italy, Norway, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, the Netherlands.
At all times humanity consciously or unconsciously seeks to assert its existence in time, gain eternity, and remain in it. Hence, the love of genealogy — whole chapters are devoted to this love in the Holy Scripture, admiring pyramids, ziggurats, and all kinds of megaliths — menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs like Stonehenge and collecting antiquities.
People do not only honor and worship the Savior, the Saints by icon paintings, but also express longing and joyful expectation of the meeting. Just as photography helps one to share separation with those who are not with us. The iconography, to some extent, tries to scout and get a glimpse into one of those windows, as if through the portal, for the backstage of the terrible and at the same time joyful for the faithful Judgment Day.
The iconography encouraging to contemplate the events that will take place in the future, but have already become iconographic subjects(Judgment Day, Hailstones Heavenly).

Gallery Portal 11
11 Triokhsviatytelska str. Kyiv
+38 063 397 34 57
Open daily: 10.00 – 19.00
web: portal11.com.ua
e-mail: artportal11@gmail.com
facebook: Portal 11