Gallery Portal 11 presents personal exhibition by Orest Manetsky «Hidden spaces». 19.12.2020 – 28.02.2021. Orest Manetsky`s art is a fresh momentum to the evolution of art. The artist combines painting with other media (installation, video, audio art), creating poly-contextual and voluminous works in terms of content and form. The artist experiments with the peculiarities of […]
Winners of the Portal 11 Art Prize 2020
Friends, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Portal 11 Art Prize 2020! The first prize is awarded to Dmytro Zazymko with the work «When wanted to go fishing on Mars, a meteorite struck a boat». Barbudaz Sh receives a special second prize for his work “Disneyland”. Third place goes to Astian […]
Exhibition of nominees for the Portal Art Prize 2020 «A wonderful new world?»
Gallery Portal11 presents exhibition of nominees for the Portal Art Prize 2020 «A wonderful new world?». 13.11.2020 – 13.12.2020. Irrevocable changes in nature have already happened. Now it’s time for humanity to change. If our way of thinking about environmental problems does not change globally, the destructive damage that we caused to nature will lead […]
Painting exhibition by Andrew Chizhov “The Place”
Gallery Portal11 presents painting exhibition by Andrew Chizhov “The Place”. 23.10.2020 – 08.11.2020. «The Place» is an autumn art project by Andrew Chizhov. The paintings presented at the exhibition are visualizing some kind of emotional micro-worlds — thin balances between the intimate and universal, between “here and now” and “nowhere”. «I am aspired to create […]
The list of nominees for the Portal11 Art Prize 2020
Friends, we are announcing a list of nominees for the Portal11 Art Prize 2020! Among the 115 applications were a lot of interesting works. It was difficult to choose. We present 14 nominees who have been selected to participate in the collective exhibition: 1. Astian Rey 2. Barbudaz Sh 3. Adkozalova Victoria 4. Antoniuk Olexandr […]
Exhibition by Ivan Turetskyy “Peradventure calling”
Gallery Portal 11 presents painting exhibition by Ivan Turetskyy “Peradventure calling”. 26.09.2020 – 18.10.2020. The Exhibition “Peradventure calling” is related to the artist`s life philosophy. “Peradventure” for Ivan is a guide in the labyrinth of life, which encourages new self-discovery journeys. The artist in this labyrinth is a pilgrim who follows the inner voice of […]
Pop Art Ukraine exhibition
Pop Art Ukraine exhibition in Portal11. 04.09.2020-20.09.2020. We want to share our Pop Art findings with you! Pop art is one of the most eccentric art movements, which emerged in the 1950s-1960s as a reaction to the spreading of mass culture, consumerism and abstract expressionism. Pop art occupies one of the most successful positions on […]
Sculpture project “Garden of Eden”
Theologians explain the Garden of Eden as a metaphor for harmony between nature and culture. Man feels safe and prosperous, receiving everything necessary from nature; at the same time, nature is not destroyed by this. The sculpture project “Garden of Eden” speaks with the language of images in which everyone can see reflections on their […]
Expect a new exhibition of abstract paintings by Ivan Turetskyy in fall
Gallery Portal 11, who is the artist’s curator, is preparing a new exhibition of paintings by Ivan Turetskyy, which were created during 2020. The exhibition will feature works by the author, which continue the traditions of world cubism. Follow the announcements! Wednesday – Sunday 11 AM – 7 PM Monday – Tuesday – closed +38 […]
Painting exhibition by Serhii Kondratiuk “Visual triggers”
The artist was born in 1988 in Krasnokutsk, Kharkiv region. From 2005–2008 he studied at the Kharkiv Art School, then from 2010 to 2016 he studied at the Kharkiv Academy of Design and Arts at the Painting Department. Participant of international exhibitions, symposioums and plein airs. A person has it’s inner and outer space, which […]