Exhibition by Pavlo Romanov «Echoes of reality»

Gallery Portal 11 presents exhibition by Pavlo Romanov «Echoes of reality». 29.10.2021 – 14.11.2021.
Pavlo Romanov was born in 1961 in Dessau (Germany), where his parents were in long-term business trip. In 1980 he graduated the Republican Art High School. T. G. Shevchenko in Kyiv. In 1986 he graduated from the workshop Professor MT Katernoga on architectural faculty at the Kyiv Art Institute (Academy of Arts of Ukraine). Same year he was sent to work in the project organization “Khudozhproekt” at the art factory “Artist” of the Union of artists of Ukraine. Same year he was drafted into the armed forces. After military service he returned to the “Art Project” and from 1987 to 1992 he held the post architect. During the perestroika he engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Since 2016 Pavlo is a creative photographer.

“Escape from the material world and unity with nature are the motto of my work” – the artist comments. His photographs reveal the theme of complex and immense feelings that arise during a person’s encounter with nature. The Man-Nature connection, according to the artist, unfolds in a sequence of complex overtones. This exhibition has its own technological contexts: P. Romanov searches for ancient Petsvali, Ernari, Biotara, restores and adapts them to more or less modern film cameras. Thus, the exhibition “Echoes of Reality” becomes not only a summary of the relationship between Man and Nature, but also the outline of the old photography connection with the new reality.

Kyiv, st. Triokhsviatytelska, 11.
Wednesday – Sunday 11 AM – 7 PM
Monday – Tuesday – closed
+38 (063) 397 34 57
facebook: galleryportal11
Instagram: gallery_portal11