Gallery Portal11 presents exhibition by Astian Rey “Gold and Rust”

Gallery Portal11 presents exhibition by Astian Rey “Gold and Rust”. 02.07.2021 – 25.07.2021.
“Gold and Rust” is an exhibition by Kyiv artist Astian Ray, who became one of the winners of the Portal 11 Art Prize 2020.
Gold and rust are two mutually exclusive concepts that underlie the structure of the universe. They represent the duality of both the external world in which we exist and the internal world, which is a reflection of our “inner self.” In the author’s understanding, gold is a prototype of an utopia, an unattainable paradise, while rust is the fate of the physical world, prone to relentless aging. The interaction of these two substances creates a closed cycle of the universe, in which the process of creation and destruction takes place indefinitely. Such ambiguity of the “game of being” makes it impossible to reveal one truth. Creator or destroyer? What role is assigned to man in this “game”?

Astian Rey is a Ukrainian sculptor and artist. In his creative practice, Astian uses an exclusive author’s technique that combines materials such as concrete, metal and wood. He was born in 1987 in the city of Kyiv. In 2010 he graduated from the Borys Hrinchenko University Faculty of Fine Arts. The artist creates works in the style of “sacred minimalism, with its inherent alchemical and mystical symbolism, rethinking existing symbols and creating their own. The author explores the criteria for shaping the worldview of modern man, as well as possible ways of development of civilizations. “My works are a physical reflection of the inner transformations of man under the influence of external factors such as evolution, religious and philosophical views, the influence of the environment and society as a whole.” – says the artist. He is the winner of the world’s first BlockChain Art-Hackathon. The works are presented in private collections in Ukraine and the United States.

Kyiv, st. Triokhsviatytelska, 11.
Wednesday – Sunday 11 AM – 7 PM
Monday – Tuesday – closed
+38 (063) 397 34 57
facebook: galleryportal11
Instagram: gallery_portal11