Exhibition by Alexander Kudriavchenko “Second to Eve”

Gallery Portal11 presents painting exhibition by Alexander Kudriavchenko
“Second to Eve”. 04.06.2021 – 27.06.2021.
“Second to Eve” is an exhibition by Kyiv artist Alexander Kudriavchenko, which presents works from different periods of the artist’s career. The leitmotif in the exhibition is a painting of the same name “Second to Eve”, which reveals the magic of the moment of interaction, which is always the beginning of something new.
The motif of reciprocity and interaction is present in almost every painting of the artist: “We are surrounded by many worlds. We are one of those worlds and are constantly confronted with each other. We encounter a universe that is similar to us, and sometimes we do not even notice how it completely envelops and absorbs us, without changing our inner world. But it certainly has an impact on our world, leaving its mark on its interior and exterior. This is how I feel the meeting, the collision with everyone – with man, the ocean, the universe, which is the essence of the One for me» – A. Kudriavchenko.

Alexander Kudriavchenko is a Kyiv artist, a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine, the author of more than 50 monumental paintings in Ukraine and abroad.
He graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, the workshop of monumental painting and temple culture of Academician Storozhenko.
About 10 solo exhibitions, more than half of which were held in the EU (Paris, Barcelona, Antwerp). Alexander’s painting “Red” received the prestigious award of the Paris Autumn Salon, and the painting “Stop in the Desert” was exhibited at the Louvre (Carrousel du Louvre, Paris).

Kyiv, st. Triokhsviatytelska, 11.
Wednesday – Sunday 11 AM – 7 PM
Monday – Tuesday – closed
+38 (063) 397 34 57
facebook: galleryportal11
Instagram: gallery_portal11