Exhibition of paintings by Kostiantyn Pletenetskyi “Space and time”

Exhibition of paintings by Kostiantyn Pletenetskyi “Space and time” 26.04.2019 – 12.05.2019

Gallery “Portal 11” presents exhibition of paintings by Kostiantyn Pletenetskyi «Space and time».
Kostiantyn G. Pletenetskyi was born in Kharkov in 1957.

The artist is inspired to combine travel with artistic pictorial talent. His artworks exhibited in Bruges, Rome, Kyiv. They are in a private collection in USA, China, Austria and Estonia.
The project «Space and time» presents whole landscape images, revealing their originality in comparison with a wide world context. The works of the artist make up a bright abstraction with emotional intensity and a powerful philosophical plot on an eternal theme – the connection of space and time.
The perception of the person of the surrounding universe relies on own experience and individual development. So image causes to recall subconscious mind.

In the general theory of relativity, Einstein proved the inextricable link between space and time. It means that where the properties of time change, the properties of space change. Accordingly, where properties of space change – properties of time change. These concepts exist beyond our perception… But the person has an intuitive sense of time, as if a “biological clock” embedded inside a person. This is due to the fact that a person is a natural result of the development of our galaxy and therefore can “feel” its rhythms.

In the artist’s works the nature itself dictates content, and the environment embodied in canvases can be felt with the color.
The greatness of colors, which lifts up everyone’s spirit and excite only light memories, is charged with fresh vigor.

Address: Kyiv, 11 Triokhsviatytelska st.
daily 10.00-19.00
+38 (063) 397 34 57
facebook: galleryportal11